Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Merry Christmas!

From Malaysia...

and Texas...

We want to wish you a very Merry Christmas.

May your holidays be filled with precious blessings,

savored by hearts overflowing with love and gratitude

for the gift of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,

and joyfully shared with family and friends.

Our love and best wishes always,
Sam, Tracey, Vanessa, and Riley


Lori said...

Hi Tracey!
I have been thinking of you all during the holidays and then I remembered you said you might try blogging, and I found you today! I also tried sending an email via the Katy school website that popped up when I "googled" you! You might never get that, I don't know!
Would love to be in touch again...send me a reply if you can and I'll continue to follow you on the blog. With much love -
Your old Heidelberg buddy,
Lori(Ellis) Cheeves

David Michael said...


I was thinking about you and thought of your blog. Are you going to change the name/address? I hope all is going well in CC!



Thailand Tracey said...

Lori- What a treat to hear from you! If you've had time to read my blog, you're pretty much up to date with Sam and me. It's been a blessed...though at times bumpy...2years since we moved to Thailand. I'd love to be in touch. Thanks for finding me and writing.